Leboulanger & Associates

Areas of Expertise: hotel management, energy, oil & gas, construction and turnkey projects, State contracts, sales, commodities, distributorship, agency, franchising, licensing, corporate, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, technology, telecommunications, intellectual property, transport, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, banking and finance

Arbitration Experience: Philippe has been consistently acting as Presiding Arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator, co-arbitrator, Counsel and legal expert in arbitration cases conducted under the auspices of all major arbitration institutions (notably ICC, LCIA, ICSID, PCA, CRCICA, DIAC, CCJA/OHADA, SCC, Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce, AFA, Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution, Lebanese Arbitration Center, Refined Sugar Association) as well as in ad hoc arbitration cases (under the UNCITRAL Rules or otherwise). He also represents clients in post-arbitration proceedings (setting aside of awards, enforcement proceedings, etc.) before the French courts.

Languages: French, English

Education: Diplôme in comparative Law,  University Paris II Panthéon-Assas; DES in private law, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas; DEA in criminal law,  University Paris II Panthéon-Assas; Ph.D in law (summa cum laude), University Paris II Panthéon-Assas.

Professional Career: Philippe Leboulanger is the Founding Partner of the law firm. An acknowledged expert in international arbitration, Philippe has been one of the leading practitioners in the field since 1975. He has handled hundreds of international and domestic (commercial and investment) arbitration cases with a variety of applicable laws (civil and common law legal systems) and parties from all over the world. His extensive experience covers various business sectors, notably, hotel management, energy, oil & gas, construction and turnkey projects, State contracts, sales, commodities, distributorship, agency, franchising, licensing, corporate, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, technology, telecommunications, intellectual property, transport, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, banking and finance. Philippe has argued ground-breaking cases resulting in landmark decisions in the field of arbitration and he is highly regarded for his strategic thinking, business pragmatism, efficient approach, negotiations and advocacy skills. In addition, he is a frequent lecturer and visiting Professor on international arbitration in numerous universities and law schools worldwide. Philippe also holds key positions within various international arbitration institutions.